A place to watch daisy Taylor vids
There are two types of secondary memories.
- RAM stands for random access memory .
- It is expandable.
- we can do multiple things in it.
- Its erasable.
- ROM stands for read only memory.
- It is permanent .
- We can only read in it.
- Its permanent hence not removable.
Update the unit firmware.
Updating unit firmware means update the information related to the network that is newly installed on the wireless router. The purpose of this change is to update the devices with new network alterations to work with efficiency and better security. As things are updating on daily basis, so the manufacturer makes the devices, reprogram able to meet the requirement of the future by updating the program in firmware unit. By updating device means this will be to fix the bugs that can be occur in modern era. This will make the device more secure.
The following is written in Python. It takes in a file, it then reads all of the elements in the file and adds them to a list called myList. Then it sorts the list and uses the elements in that list to calculate the median. Once the median is calculated it returns it to the user. The code has been tested and the output can be seen in the image below.
def find_median(file):
file = open(file, 'r')
mylist = []
for number in file:
numOfElements = len(mylist)
if numOfElements % 2 == 0:
m1 = numOfElements / 2
m2 = (numOfElements / 2) + 1
m1 = int(m1) - 1
m2 = int(m2) - 1
median = (mylist[m1] + mylist[m2]) / 2
m = (numOfElements + 1) / 2
m = int(m) - 1
median = mylist[m]
return median
print("Median: " + str(find_median('file1.txt')))
pecialisation - departments focus on one area of work. productivity - specialism means that staff are skilled in the tasks they do. accountability - there are clear lines of management. clarity - employees understand their own and others' roles.