The answer is very simple: no. No, we have not achieved full equality with regards of race. No, we should not feel like we have achieved such a thing. But, everyone’s answers will vary. Some might think that we have, some might think that we haven’t (which is the most intelligent answer, it shows that some people aren’t naive and/ or living in their own little world,) and some might not even care. Many forms of discrimination still exist in the world we live in today. Why would anybody “feel” as if we’ve already achieved any sort of equality when people (not all) are still going after others for something as simple and the color of their skin? Their culture? The country they’re from? The real question is; will we ever TRULY achieve equality?
interrupted by a shuddering cry
hope this helps
I can just give you a suggestion of a story that I have watched. It's " How the Grinch stole the Christmas". The theme of the cartoon is that Christmas is not about presents. One evidence from the cartoon is that after Grinch stole all the presents from the people's houses, they were still happy and they were singing together by holding hands like the presents were nothing for them. At the end the Grinch realized his mistake and gave back all the staffs that he stole.
I hope it helps a little.
internal preview
An internal preview is a brief statement referring to a point you are going to make. It can forecast or foreshadow a main point coming in your speech.