The best topic for the talk is: <span>How much exercise you can get into very short periods of time
According to short field analysis, the best way to conducted a behavioral changes is by doing the easiest/most attainable goal first before moving to the harder ones. So, when starting an exercise program, it's best to focus on the lowest targets/movement before moving up to a more advanced ones.</span><span />
2) <span>Proclamation of 1763. I'm not sure about the rest, sorry</span>
Maurya Empire was vaster as compared to Gupta Empire. Mauryan rulers followed a centralized administration structure, whereas Gupta rulers followed a decentralized administrative structure. The Tax system during the Mauryan dynasty was stringent; whereas Gupta rulers favored more liberal tax system.
I woulds make a fbook Couldnt say the word for brainly reasons group or a dcord about saving the planet one step at a time and invite loyal people that i trust to help me and if i see some trash somewhere pick it up and throw it away and leftovers i would microwave and go and feed the homeless people in the world who cannot afford the mfood money so they would have a full stomach because lets be honest who really eats left overs NOBODY they just sit in the fridge for a week until you see them and throw them out make a good use for it and feed people in need of the food!
The court chose Worcestor because it was a peaceful tribe