I don’t believe that the Spanish caste system was fair because they separated the population into the categories that they believed were fit. So the lowest of them were Africans. Europeans and Peninsulares were put onto a pedestal and made to be seen as the more higher-ups. The way they categorized them by their intelligence and color of their skin was harsh. The whole system was rigged to benefit the Europeans and not the Natives and Africans which is why I see it as unfair and not right.
B. reduced the national debt by cutting government spending
Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican and believed in states' rights and a small federal government.
To keep the power of the federal government small, Jefferson cut spending. In doing this, he was able to reduced the government debt from the Revolutionary War without raising taxes on the people. Jefferson also cut the size of the military because he believed it was not a power the federal government should hold.
For this table, the reference currency is the Euro.
- The reference currency means that the euro is the base unit, the table shows how much is one euro worth in the different currencies. This can be observed on the first row of the second column where it says (euro= 1)
The exchange rate of the euro to the US dollar and most other currencies is determined by supply and demand.
- Most countries have a flexible exchange rate. This means that the government does not have a fixed exchange rate. With a fixed exchange rate the government compromises to give a given amount of money in exchange for one unit of a specific currency. Whenever, there is a flexible exchange rate, the price of another currency is determined by the incoming and outgoing capital.
According to the chart, one euro would buy 1.2149 Swiss francs.
- This can be found in the fourth row and second column of the chart.
- 1 euro = 1.2149 Swiss francs
It would cost 1.28 US dollars to buy one euro.
- 1 euro = 1.28 US dollars
- This can be found in the last row and second column of the chart.
Poverty, because it is a negative factor, causing someone to want to leave the country.