I nearly got ran over by a car at one point in elementary school
We were heading home one afternoon when we suddenly got rushed by a green jeep. It was at our bus stop, so we nearly ran headfirst into it on our way home.
C. It contains strong and accurate details that oppose the writer’s position
Indefinite pronoun
An indefinite pronoun is a word that replaces one or more nouns (a noun can be a person, animal, thing, idea, place, etc) in a general way, in other words, without being specific to what noun is referring to. Pronouns such as <em>many, several, another, anything, any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody, all, none, someone, some, each, everybody </em>and<em> few</em> are all examples of indefinite pronouns.
Here are some example sentences:
<em>Is there </em><em>anyone</em><em> home?</em>
<em>We can't leave our brother alone, </em><em>someone</em><em> needs to take care of him.</em>
<em>Several</em><em> of the speakers refused to debate.</em>
romeo romeo let down your hair ion kno lol ask google sry
hope this helps :)