The <span>element located on the top left of the Word screen is the Quick Access Toolbar. </span>On the quick access toolbar, you can find some of the common functions that you will need to use on a regular basis, it contains commands that are used most often, for example Redo, Undo and Save etc.
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(B. Hardware), Hardware is physical components, Software are the programs in the computer.
Most managers see inappropriate dressing every day. Some are left angered while some are confused as to what is the right way to approach such situations. What follows next needs to be professional oriented. Being the manager, I would start by finding out what the appropriate dressing policies are. Some companies might have dress code policies while others might not. Assuming that this company has, I would read these policies carefully. The next thing that is required from me is to have a small conversation with the employee discretely. As professional as I can be, I will mention how I feel his or her dress code is inappropriate and try to summon the employee by asking him or her whether they are fully aware of the appropriate dress code. I will try to agree with the employee on what is appropriate and what is not. If we agree, requesting the employee to home and change clothes is unnecessary, but if the need to do that arises, I would consider that to be an option.
The answer is : variables
When viewing data entered into a spreadsheet, the columns identify Variable. The variables later can be used on a formula to help you process any sort of data that is implemented within excels' formula system