All three of those governments exhibited totalitarian rule. This is when the government controls every aspect of your daily life. What made fascism different is that they considered communism and socialism sworn enemies. Therefore fascism isn't a set in stone political ideology, it is simply any form of government that is totalitarian but does not follow socialism or communism. Italy and Germany were Fascist governments. However, the Soviet Union was communist because they followed the ideals of Karl Marx.
1 — President of the United States
2 — Vice-President of the United States
3 — Speaker of the House of Representatives
4 — President of the Senate Pro Tempore (becomes VP when Speaker becomes President)(Cabinet Secretaries in Order of Post's Creation
5 — Secretary of State
6 — Secretary of the Treasury
7 — Secretary of Defense8 — Attorney General
9, — Remaining Cabinet Secretaries
Answer: Henry Vlll
Explanation: Henry VIII started the process of creating the Church of England after his split with the Pope in the 1530s. Henry was anxious to ensure a male heir after his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, had borne him only a daughter. He wanted his marriage annulled in order to remarry.