the correct answer is C. A trading or pricing structure that interferes with efficient buying and selling of securities.
A balloon mortgage is a type of a loan that requires the borrower to make the payment as a lump-sum at the maturity period while under the ARM the borrower is allowed to choose the small periodic payments suitable for both the lender and the borrower.
ARM is the abbreviation for Adjustable Rate Mortgage. therefore the loan repayment changes according to agreement between the lender and the borrower.
comparability of data
Comparability of information is one attribute used only to characterize the consistency of descriptive statistics. For two factors the principle of comparability of data is especially critical to a Triad.
Secondly, the Constellation demonstrates shared data sets. Through nature, the shared data sets include information from different analytical techniques. The degree of comparability among two separate sequencing / technical methods affects the way in which sets of data can be jointly compiled, analyzed and used to help strategic thinking.