It's 4. just took it, that's 1000% the right answer. that other person stinks for that non-answer, sorry. hope this helps.
ps. if it's not obvious, you figure it out by taking the hypotenuse (120) and putting it over the height (30). 120/30 is pretty simple division.
The blue-white screen refers to a procedure of screening that allows for the brisk and convenient determination of recombinant bacteria in vector-based molecular cloning experiments. In the process, the DNA of interest is ligated into a vector. The blue colonies constitute of self-relegated plasmids that are devoid of DNA inserts obstructing the lac Z gene.
The white colonies contain bacteria that conduct plasmids, which possess the inserts of DNA fragments that obstruct the lac Z gene. Therefore, the researcher needs to sequence the plasmids of the white colonies prior to knowing which allele it constitutes.
Answer: Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Other forms of electromagnetic radiation include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. The only difference between them is their wavelength, which is directly related to the amount of energy the waves carry. Scientists classify them by the frequency of their wavelength, going from high to low frequency. When a wave has a lot of energy, it could be a gamma ray or x-ray. If it has low frequency, it has less energy and could be a TV or radio wave.