Afghanistan usually trades with it's neighbors, including Pakistan and Turkey. They trade things such as fruits, nuts, and handwoven carpets for machinery and other capital goods, food, and textiles. They trade with Pakistan and other neighboring countries so they can receive goods that aren't commonly found in Afghanistan.
The United States supreme court upheld California's "three-strikes" law in Lockyer vs. Andrade case in 2003. As per California's three strikes law, any felony can serve as the third strike and by that means expose the person subjected to crime to a mandatory sentence that can reach up to 25 years behind bars.
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E. Osama bin Laden that's your answer.
The development of the political parties formed in the early republican can be attributed to the rivalry between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.
Jefferson was a strong anti-federalist and would help to develop the Democratic-Republican party. Jefferson's focus on a small central government, states rights, and developing a nation based on independent farmers was a message that spoke to many rural communities.
On the other hand, there was Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton favored a strong central government, the development of an industrialized economy, and a loose interpretation of the US Constitution. Hamilton was supported by Northern merchants and wealthy elites, especially in the Northeast.
These two vastly different goals for America helped to spark the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties in the United States during the early Republic.
<h3>C. serving in the military.
- A public service is the task of proving service to a community or the citizens of a country. It includes all enterprises of public welfare and development.
- The service rendered to military is an example of public service as military/army comes under the domain of public or governmental authority.
- Therefore, serving in a military is similar to serving the public as it protects the people from internal or external challenges and unrest.