The dog danced across the snowy field
This should be correct !
Homeostasis is the most similar.
Stability: State of being stable.
2.) The Neighbors will learn recycling skills.
Verb - will learn
Changed sentence: The neighbors will be informed about recycling skills.
3.) Mr. Bates and Carlos explain recycling skills.
Verb - explain
Changed sentence: Mr Bates and Carlos clarify recycling skills.
4.) Mr Bates gives sorting tips.
Verb - gives
Changed sentence: Mr. Bates exchanges sorting tips.
5.) The neighbors will practice the rules and tips.
Verb - will practice
Changed sentence: The neighbors will rehearse the rules and tips.
6.) They understand the importance of the lessons.
Verb - understand
Changed sentence: They recognize the importance of the leassons.
A presentation that uses more than one form of media is called a multimedia presentation