William Prescott was the commander of the colonial troops at Breeds Hill. A colonial troop consisting of 1200 army men moved stealthily and captured Breed,s Hill as well as Bunker Hill. The maximum number of colonial wars in the year 1775 of Bunker Hill took place in the place known as Breed's Hill. Along with Colonel Prescott, there was another General who was actively associated with the Battle of Breed's Hill and he was known as General Putnam. On 16th of June in the year 1775, the colonists sneaked in the town of Charles town with the sole intention of challenging the Britishers.
SPECULATION is buying a commodity- such as land or stock- that may have an unusually high risk, but has the expectation of a substantial gain when the price value goes up.
The Aztec's practices and cultures manages its people by group-orientation arrangements like family, or more elaborately extended family actions and others widely oriented on having two families altogether which was strongly unseen in the European individualists who relies on themselves.
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