Since division is the opposite of multiplication, you can turn this division problem into a multiplication problem by multiplying the top fraction by the reciprocal of the bottom.
If the 26 bricks are each 7 cm, seems like multiplication or repeated addition would solve the problem. Multiplication would be faster. 26 x 7 = 182
182 cm tall.
Morgan earns more money per hour on saturday bc 63/6 = 10.5 and that’s more than 9.5 so
Standard form:
Y - 0= 1(x - 1)
Y - 0= x - 1
-x+y= -1
- (-x+y= -1)
Slope-Intercept form:
Y - 0= 1(x-1)
Y - 0 = x - 1
Y= x-1
Thousandths place hope e I helped