The Rapid Response Team also known as the Medical Emergency Team is a team of clinicians who bring critical care expertise to the bedside. Simply put, the purpose of the Rapid Response Team is to bring critical care expertise to the patient bedside (or wherever it's needed).
- The client report that she doesn't exercise much at all.
- The client reports that she smokes a few cigarettes a day.
- The client report that she is taking phenytoin to treat a seizure disorder.
- The client reports that she takes a daily low dose of prednisone to treat a chronic respiratory condition.
The hip, backbone (spine), and wrist are the most often affected bones due to osteoporosis, which weakens bones to the point that they shatter easily. The term "silent illness" refers to osteoporosis since it might go unnoticed until a bone breaks.
Your bones, however, had been deteriorating for a long time. Sedentary behavior, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol use, chronic disease, and long-term anticonvulsant and furosemide usage are risk factors for osteoporosis. A diet lacking in calcium is another risk factor linked to osteoporosis.
Here is another question with an answer similar to this about osteoporosis:
The treatment of iron-deficiency anemia includes a supplementation with iron drops at a dose of 3 mg/kg per day
Hand hygiene procedures include the use of alcohol-based hand rubs (containing 60%–95% alcohol) and hand washing with soap and water.
Hand hygiene is considered a primary measure for reducing the risk of transmitting infection among patients and health care personnel.
His frontal lobe got damaged.
Phineas Gage got a serious incident on the railway construction in 1848. A steel rod went inside in his head damaging little part of his brain i. e. frontal lobe. After he recovered, people who knew him observed that his personality as well as behavior were totally changed. This change in Gage before and after the accident indicates that the frontal lobe is involved in executive functioning of the body.