Topology means arrangement of nodes
In computer science the word topology means the arrangement of nodes and elements in a network. For any topology we do need nodes and cables for maintaining the infrastructure.
In mesh topology the all nodes use to get connected by direct link. While each and every node is directly associated with one another. In this infrastructure we do need lot cabling where every node will be connected with one another. While usage of good quality cable in network is also expensive to manage. Although there are lot of benefits of this topology, where the transmission of data would never stop if node is not working the rest will be working to transfer the data among other nodes ,this is more secure because there is no traffic for data to travel via many nodes to reach the destination. Every node is directly connected and communicate. So, once the node is not working the communication will not be stop but the maintenance and troubleshooting will be difficult in this infrastructure.
It is proved along with lot of benefits and network security ,this infrastructure is having some disadvantages as well. Cabling expense , maintenance cost etc . usually small scale networks do not prefer mesh topology. Small scale and low budget companies can not afford this topology because it is expensive.
Although we do believe that the data security is most important for today's era ,so few companies those wanted to keep their information secure and confidential they must use mesh topology by ignoring the cost incurred for this set up. Data security and integrity would never be compromised by some of the companies.
Mesh topology is more safer, more quick infrastructure which is although very expensive , difficult to mange and maintain. Moreover it is overhead of cabling as well to connect every node but the demand of mesh topology would never be less. It is demanding and appealing topology still.
2.489 dB
As per the question:
Power ratio, 
The Equivalent of this power ratio in decibel or dB is calculated by taking the log of the power ratio as below:

Thus the value of the power ration in decibel comes out to be 2.489 dB
Quantitative: Age, heart rate, number of pets, salary
<em>discrete</em>: number of pets
<em>continuous</em>: Age, heart rate, salary
Categorical: Gender, eye color, metal rankings
<em>Nominal:</em> Gender, eye color
<em>Ordinal:</em> metal rankings
Quantitative are those variables which are for quantity or number with units for measurement.
Categorical are qualitative variable which can be categorized or grouped in different groups or it may be ranking scales
a. Telnet transmissions are not encrypted.
Indeed, since <em>Telnet transmissions are not encrypted,</em> all the information sent, and even the characters typed in the telnet console are sent in clear text.
This is a security issue, since any other device in the same network will receive a copy of the information (packets) sent. For default, all the devices, except for the server expecting to receive the information, will discard the packets. However it is easy to actively <em>listen </em>and keep those packets, wich will contain the information in plain text and human readable.
The answer is below
There are various reasons to apply arrays in a program. Some of which includes:
1. Arrays provides users to easily save specified numbers of the element in them.
2. It easily store data of similar types and sizes.
3. It allows users to store data in various dimensional arrays.
4. It eliminates deficit of memories for the location of its elements