My experience was comfortable
This website is pretty simple and loads fast, there are a lot of images with high quality but only when you click over of the image this expands in the original size.
I could find really helpful information, there are different subjects, but this is not a website for kids for some adult content.
I didn't need to register any information to share content or if you want to ask something and everything is anonymous.
D seems like the best answer because both Microsoft Word and Power Point can do that.
How to meet people in real life
1. We can meet people if you go to your friend's party, is a great opportunity to meet friends from your friends.
2. We must go to events, in this case, if you like to read books, go to reading events.
3. We can use public transportation if you see someone reading your favorite book is the best opportunity.
How to meet people online
1. We can meet people in social media, but there are a lot of fake accounts, take care.
2. There are special platforms to meet people or to find love.
3. We could meet people on educational websites or apps, for example, if we want to learn Spanish, we can meet Spanish people.