The President Pro-Tempore
A <span>new settlement that keeps close ties to its homeland is called a colony.
In the olden times, England had many colonies, such as America, Australia, South African Republic, etc. which all kept close ties to their motherland which ruled over all of them.
Atrocious-<span>very poor or terrible conditions
exculpatory-</span><span>a statement or evidence that would prove a person's innocence
</span>miscegenation-<span>marriage between people of different races
</span>provocation-<span>the act of deliberately making a person angry
</span>inculpatory-<span>a statement that incriminates another person</span>
En 1808, cuando el emperador Francisco II de Austria disolvió el Sacro Imperio Romano, Austria se convirtió en el Imperio austríaco, y también formó parte de la Confederación alemana hasta la Guerra Austro-Prusiana de 1866. En 1867, Austria formó una doble monarquía con Hungría: el Imperio austrohúngaro
The Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800 struck a blow against the legal formation of trade unions in Britain. While the acts banned combinations of workers as well as employers, in practice they were used only against workers who bargained collectively for shorter hours or higher pay.