C, Minerva disguises him as an old beggar. The idea is that he wants to go unrecognized when he returns home to his people. You can figure that he's an old beggar based on phrases like "a man of miseries" and "uncouth".
However, if you have trouble reading older texts, websites like Sparknotes and Shmoop are great for getting summaries.
The word memoria was term for aspects involving memory in Western classical rhetoric. The word is Latin, and can be translated as "memory".
Answer: I believe that I am a right brained person. I say this because everything I do, I use my right hand for it. I use my right hand for things on instinct because that what I’ve used my whole life
In James Thurber "The Night the Bed Fell", what starts confusion is the army cot the narrator sleeps in collapsing on him.