The War of 1812 changed the course of American history. Because America had managed to fight the world's greatest military power to a virtual standstill, it gained international respect. Furthermore, it instilled a greater sense of nationalism among its citizens.
While the War of 1812 had virtually no impact in England, it did assure the survival of the British colonies in Canada, and ultimately paved the way for the Canadian Confederation - the precursor to the nation of Canada.
eine Folge der militärischen Niederlage des Deutschen Reiches im Ersten Weltkrieg.
same thing but in ENGLISH :a consequence of the military defeat of the German Empire in the First World War
Not at all, these things make ur skin break out so bad but i’m wearing it to protect others!!
John Maynard Keynes developed one Theory of economics where he defends that the government should increase spending during an economic downturn in order to reinvigorate the nation's economy, even if increase nation's deficit. Based in this concept, the best option for this question will be A, Increase funds for civic projects to put people to work this idea follow his theory.