The adjectives in the sentence are hot and angry.
ummm maybe 16 and blue
i dont know but awww and thanks you have a great day too
(C) It would remain between you and I.
the withces represent the evil in men. Their prophecies just activate what is already present in men's souls and hearts. For example, the witches tell Macbeth he will become king. This becomes true since Macbeth wants to believe in this prophesy and commits any crime to fullfil his dream. The power of the witches are limited because the nature of the human being make things happen, not the witches . Human nature puts limits on the witches' powe
It is chilling, the speculation and wonder about what was really happening is finally realized. Mrs. Schachter had disturbed the train care with what appeared to be ravings from a lunatic about a hellish scenario to come. And finally here it was, the unknown reality, becoming a known and nightmarish hell.