between 1938 and 1945 Hitler’s regime attempted to expand and apply the nazi system to territories outside the German Reich.
Georgia's 1956 Flag
In 1955 the Atlanta attorney and state Democratic Party leader John Sammons Bell began a campaign to substitute the square Confederate battle flag for the red and white bars on Georgia's state flag.
State Flag, 1956-2001
State Flag, 1956-2001
Along with Bell, state senators Jefferson Lee Davis and Willis Harden, who were well known for their interest in Georgia's Confederate history, agreed to introduce legislation to change the state flag. Some legislators favored the adoption of a standard state flag as an appropriate way to mark the upcoming centennial of the Civil War. A strong impetus for change, however, was the 1954 and 1955 Brown v. Board of Education decisions, which were bitterly denounced by most Georgia political leaders. The entire 1956 legislative session was devoted to Governor Marvin Griffin's platform of "massive resistance" to federally imposed integration of public schools. In this charged atmosphere, legislation to put the Confederate battle flag on Georgia's state flag sailed through the General Assembly.
State Flag, 1956-2001
The term "representative government" refers to a system in which larger groups are represented in government bodies by one person or a small group of people. The term is commonly used to describe a representative democracy or an indirect democracy.
The new religion, even containing points that favored the nobiliarchic power, was also responsible for inciting a series of popular revolts against the established order. During this period, several lands were invaded and churches were sacked by the Germans. Condemning the insurgent movements, Luther supported the seigniorial forces that repressed the movement.