If hes just being rude, honestly just stay in your room or something until he leaves, or maybe even tell your brother about it so maybe he'll say something to the friend. if he keeps bothering you even after all that, just tell him to leave you the FU€K alone. best of luck!!
from address
To address
Date- ....
Subject- Request to borrow book
dear ....
i wanted to request you if i could borrow your book called .... . my friends told me that it is a very interesting book. I know that you love the book but i so badly want to read it. I request you to lend me the book. i promise you that i will keep it in perfect condition. i would be very thankful if u lent me the book.
Yours sincerely,
Sure add me cc01s will thanks
The way in which our actions are initiated, sustained, and directed is called motivation. Motivation refers to the dynamics of our behaviors. Hope this helped!
I would have to say c.) man vs. self.