"Approach-approach" conflict.
"Approach-approach" conflict is a kind of conflict in which an individual presented two desirable but incompatible options or goals, is left to make a choice between them. Such conflict can easily be resolved when the individual move towards accepting one of the goals based on several personal factors, or after weighing the options on a scale of importance or preference.
Kayla difficulty in deciding between the two appealing jobs is called the "approach-approach" conflict.
5 people
Ivan Steiner who is a psychologist stressed about Team productivity.
Team productivity can be regarded as a measure of activities which is been carried out for quality output during in a particular amount of time. It entails setting up satisfaction of team members as well as providing all the necessary tools that is needed to perform the tasks with great efficiency.
It should be noted that the According to psychologist Ivan Steiner, team productivity peaks at about 5 people team members. People become less motivated and group coordination becomes more difficult after that size
When they use metaphors, similes, personification and hyperbole.
Such as
Simile: Her cheeks are red like a rose.
Metaphors: The snow is a white blanket.
Personification: The wind howled in the night.
Hyberbole: He's as skinny as a toothpick.