God does not condone this in any way, and this is well established in his word; the bible.
A. Three accounts recorded in the bible are:
i. The assault of Dinah by Scechem the son of Hamor (Genesis 34)
ii. The assault of Uriah's wife by David (2 Samuel 11)
iii. The assault of Tarmar by her step brother, Amnon (1 samuel 13)
B. The consequences of each accounts respectively are:
i. Levi and Simeon (Dinah's brothers) killed the perpetrator and his men.
ii. David killed Uriah, the husband of the woman.
iii. Amnon hated his step sister, Tarmar after the act.
C. In the Old testament, the bible equates sexual assault to murder and gave a divine verdict of death.
We are presented with a libertine speaker talking of many lovers. He suggests that, though he has spoken about the pain of love, it is only ‘Love’s pleasures’ that he cares about. As such, he has ‘betrayed’ ‘a thousand beauties’. He claims to have been a callous and deceiving lover, telling ‘the fair’ about the ‘wounds and smart’ they long to hear of, then ‘laughing’ and leaving. The poem is written in three elegant septets. Notice the iambic tetrameter and consider how important form might be to the theme of this particular kind of love and betrayal.
This speaker may not be entirely honest. The final stanza begins with ‘Alone’. Is there any sense of regret here? The speaker claims to be ‘Without the hell’ of love, yet in the same line we find reference to the ‘heaven of joy’. He may even also sacrificed his joy with his promiscuous love.
excerpt from Clinton's autobiography
text from the first inaugural speech
magazine interview
These are all directly from Clinton so they will be primary. The others are other people's opinions so they will be secondary.