To make sure all aspects of the instruction manual is thorough and effective.
The apartment itself is described as being small, "a small living-room, a small dining-room, a small bedroom, and a bath," and yet everything in this small apartment is described as being large: "tapestried furniture entirely too large" for the space and an "over-enlarged photograph" of a hen sitting atop a rock.
Gandhi was committed to nonviolence, and he was determined to win freedom for his country without violence or confrontation, if possible.
He called it nonviolent noncooperation, and it proved to be one of the keys to India's independence from Great Britain.
He called it nonviolent resistance, but the results were the same.
These two men of peace achieved more than anyone would have thought without ever once resorting to violence.
These are the correct sentences.
A tiny beautiful flower that is red.
I hope this helps