In 1960's Baltimore, a teen named Tracy Turnblad auditions for a musical show, The Corny Collins Show. She makes it onto the show and soon becomes popular for her unique character. Being the 1960's racial segregation is very common, and part of the show as well. Tracy, with the help of friends, is able to desegregate the show.
dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot
and that's what you do... lol...
4/16/2020 12:33am
Answer: - democracy and political system
- quality of institutions
- cultural determinants
- government structure
- press freedom
Explanation: These points describe how media could fail to report corruption in society such as in South Africa.
B. False
In order to determine the author's perspective, you need to figure out what opinion or attitude the author has about the subject and that alone can sometimes be tricky.
B. Introduction
The answer is B because, I'm a genius