The dictionary defines resources as the set of elements available to solve a need or carry out a business. There are several types of resources. Two large categories are those of renewable and non-renewable resources. The non-renewable exist in fixed quantities, nature can not recreate them in short geological periods. Renewable natural resources, on the other hand, can be restored by natural processes at a speed higher than that of consumption by human beings.
In a company we can talk about human, financial, material, technical and technological resources.
1- The human resource is paramount in the operation of any company. And it depends on the management and operation of other resources. (employees and collaborators who work there)
2- Financial resources: they are the own and foreign resources of economic and monetary character that the company requires for its operation.
3- Material resources: tangible assets of the company (facilities, equipment, raw material)
4- Technical and technological resources: Tools and auxiliary instruments in the coordination of other resources.
Islam is a religious system begun in the seventh century by Muhammad. Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur’an and strive to keep the Five Pillars.
Is false (F)
On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act or the Selective Draft Act becomes law:
"All male citizens, or foreign non-enemy male persons who have declared their intention to become citizens" between the ages of 21 and 30, must register for military service.
Although there were conflicts and protests (New York and New Jersey), alleged draft evaders, pejoratively called "idlers," were arrested around the United States.
Supreme Court Rules Draft Constitutional (Jan. 7, 1918)
The recruitment system remained effective until May 1919 when selective service boards and state recruitment headquarters were closed.
The Regulators were backcountry settlers who banded together in 1767 in response to a wave of crime that swept their region in the aftermath of a disruptive war with the Cherokee Indians (1759–1761). Bandit gangs, including women as well as escaped slaves, roamed the country with little fear of capture.
A, it gives an understanding of what is going on and gives everything context