Pueden producirse tos, babeo, incapacidad para deglutir, vómitos, a veces con sangre, y sensación de ahogo. En casos graves debidos a sustancias cáusticas, la persona puede presentar una presión arterial muy baja (choque o shock), ahogo o dolor torácico, lo que posiblemente acabe siendo mortal.
i think the most diffuicult thing in baseball is sometime when you go to throw a ball you could pull a musel or you could break a bone and how it affects the social is then if you get hurt the you let your entire team down because then they have to forfit a player for the next game until you heal
If one family member is suffering it affects the whole family.
You wont be able to focus and that may affect your performance .
Vocational stress results from job demands whereby job resources moderate the relationship between job demands and stress responses. Motivational processes also play an important role as they affect various occupational outcomes.
Yes that is true. cause if you smoke those who who are around you are also smoking
Answer:The brainstem has an ectodermal origin and is composed of 4 parts: the diencephalon, mesencephalon, pons, and medulla oblongata.