A: It was a very weak form of government. Pretty much the Tsar would issue orders, and it was up to the many bureaucrats and governors to execute them. The government did not have a constitution, and it was pretty much a "what I say goes" type of deal. Where many countries had at least a parliament body, or some form of senate or cabinet, the Russian government did not. They didnt even have a form of elections at all.
B: Thre was great discontent among the workers. many of the bureocrats had different lifestyles than the peasant class. urban workers, mine workers, and farmers made up the bigger portion of the country, but did not have the resources to battle the government. Discontent among the people led to an increased taste for the ideas of communism and socialism. Many people found comfort in revolt against the government.
C: Socialism tried to evenly distribute the wealth of the nation. This included land and resources. Money was a big problem, but also the war supplies had a big impact on the availability of food and money to many people. As a result, socialistic ideas were an "escape goat" for many of these workers. They found comfort in many of the social movements that advocated for higher wages, better working conditions, and equal distribution of resources.