Other organic molecules such as fat and protein are also used as fuel in cellular respiration they just take a different pathway than glucose.
1. The main aim of the Human Genome Project was to determine the DNA Sequence of every human gene.
2. Variation in skin colour is an example of polygenic inheritance
This Human Karyotype is unusual because it has an extra chromosome at chromosome 21.
Klinefelters syndrome is shown in the second figure
1. The Human Genome Project's main goal was to sequence all the 30,000 genes and 3 million base pairs in their makeup for the early detection of diseases, gene therapy and molecular level studies.
2. Human skin colour is determined by the pigment melanin. The Dominant allele is responsible for dark colours as it produces more melanin. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene and Tyrosinase enzyme codes for the human skin colour. Polygenic inheritance are the traits which are controlled by one or more genes.
<u>The extra chro</u>mosome at the 21st chromosome pairs is called trisomy 21 or Down's Syndrome. It is due to the abnormal cell division/meiosis resulting in an extra X chromosome. This leads to thechanges the in physical development of the individual.
Klinefelter's Syndrome: There are 47 chromosomes and 2 or more X chromosomes in this syndrome of males. The resulting male suffering from Klinefelter would be sterile and have poorly developed testicles.
monomer of carbohydrates glucose,sucrose,fructose
polymer of carbohydrates starch,cellulose,glycogen
monomer of protein amino acids
polymer of protein polypeptides
monomer of nucleic acid nucleotides
polymer of nucleic acid DNA
polymer of lipids triglycerides
monomer of lipids 3 fatty acids and glycerol
The complex of DNA and protein that makes up a eukaryotic chromosome is properly called <u>chromatin .</u>
- Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins that forms chromosomes within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
What is the chromatin and its function?
- To create chromosomes, chromatin fibers are coiling and condensing.
- Numerous cellular functions, including DNA replication, transcription, DNA repair, genetic recombination, and cell division, are made possible by chromatin.
What is chromatin in cell?
- Chromosomes in eukaryotic cells are made of chromatin, a compound of DNA and proteins.
- Nuclear DNA is extremely compressed and wrapped around nuclear proteins in order to fit inside the nucleus; it does not exist as free linear strands.
Where is chromatin found?
- Chromatin is a genetic material or a macromolecule comprising DNA, RNA, and associated proteins, which constitute chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
- This chromatin is located within the cell nucleus.
Learn more about chromatin
In an experiment the HYPOTHESIS is tested. The hypothesis is the assumption, that you make about something. Example would be, you believe (hypothesize) that the baking soda will react faster in vinegar than in water. You then test it out (or preform and experiment) to see if your hypothesis is correct or wrong.