when John Travoltage rubbed his foot against the floor, he started building up negative energy, this negative energy later built up as he was rubbing his foot on the floor which then caused a reaction with the door knob, the same thing happened with the balloons, as we rubbed it on the sweater, the balloons started building up negative energy too, which then resulted in a connection with the positive energy. The dust particles most likely got a charge from moving around from different places, considering that fabrics build up the negative energy, it appears that the dust particles could have landed on a fabric which then allowed the particles to build it up and then stick to other surfaces.
6. The number of protons of the atoms
7.The atomic number is equal to the number of protons and in a neutral atom the number of electrons
8. The atomic mass of elements equals number of protons plus number of neutrons
9. Protons and neutrons
10. Electrons
11. 8+9=17
12. 20+21=41
13. 10
The answer is Common ancestry
A karyotype is a person's whole set of chromosomes. The term also refers to a laboratory-produced photograph of someone's chromosomes isolated from a character mobile and organized in numerical order. A karyotype can be used to search for abnormalities in chromosome quantity or structure
karyotypes can reason bodily sperm issues, many guys with Karyotype issues together with balanced translocations have normal searching sperm that convey DNA troubles that purpose infertility and miscarriages for them and their partner.
Karyotypes can reveal changes in chromosome range associated with aneuploid situations, inclusive of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). careful evaluation of karyotypes also can display more diffused structural modifications, which include chromosomal deletions, duplications, translocations, or inversions.
Learn more about Karyotypes here: