B. Neurons are cells that conduct electrical impulses.
Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. White blood cells protect against pathogens and aid in blood clotting after injury. Blood cells cannot contract.
Neurons generate and conduct electrical impulses. So this one is correct.
Epithelial cells line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs, protect underlying tissue, regulate the exchange of chemicals, and secrete various substances. They do not react to stimuli, however neurons do.
Smooth muscles helps the skeleton move, smooth muscle is found in blood vessels and some organs, and cardiac muscle helps the heart beat and pump blood. They are however, not components of blood.
Answer:the word is not marma ok it karma ok
Explanation:I must saturate myself with repose and with the underlying—with Karma.
Karma is the Law of the Universe, the expression of divine Will.
And what have ye done to Karma, that he is so wet and silent?
How can one substitute here a sameness of Karma for identity of soul?
I soon discovered that, no matter how the wheel is turned, the Karma or merit is equal.
Equally unsatisfying is the statement that phenomena are aggregates of Karma.
It's important to not touch the sides or the bottom of the test tube with the thermometer because touching it to the sides or bottom of the test tube fractures the glass and does not allow for correct temperature measurements.
Genes B and C with 10% recombination frequency are closest to each other. Because recombination happens at random, the distance between genes that are farther from each other creates higher recombination frequency. A low recombination frequency of 10% means the genes are closest to each other. The short distance between the two genes allow fewer recombination to happen, thus the frequency is low.