Membrane B, because it is composed of unsaturated fatty acids that have one or more bends, which prevent tight packing.
In the upper layers of the atmosphere, it blocks UV radiation from the sun; however, in the lower layers, it is a pollutant.
The answer for this is carbohydrates.
I will get back to your question in a moment pls wait I will answer it thankyou for your time
Hey! your answer is --
Amoeba and Paramecium both are unicellular organisms . t
both take any plan and animal as food which float in water . the mode of nutrition in Amoeba is hetrotropic .
The process of taking food is called phagocytosis ..
Amoeba get food in pseudopodia and in closed in a food vacuole and digest them to get energy . The digested part of the food diffuse into cell cytoplasm and undigested part of food expell at any point on body surface ..
★ hope u understand ★