An outline helps you organize multiple ideas about a topic. Most research problems can be analyzed from a variety of perspectives; an outline can help you sort out which modes of analysis are most appropriate to ensure the most robust findings are discovered.
Quasimodo is an abandoned child left at Notre Dame and adopted by Archdeacon Claude Frollo. Hideously deformed, he has a giant humpback, a protrusion coming out of his chest, and a giant wart that covers one of his eyes. He is also deaf. His heart is pure, and this purity is linked to the cathedral itself.
I can't exactly give you the answer, as I haven't had a chance to read through the material, however I can help you come to the answer yourself.
Using the text, can you identify three ways in which the characters were "rebellious" or were told to do something, but didn't?
Or you could provide examples of how they were different from society's standards in some way.
Using a random example of being different from society's standards: Some slaveowners would treat their slaves as other human beings who were equal to them, and would educate their slaves to help them have good lives. This was not the norm, as slaves were usually treated as less-than-human and were often forbidden to become educated. If a slave was found participating in school-like activities, the owners of the slave had the right to kill them. By educating slaves and treating them well, a slaveowner wouldn't be following the typical norm.
The two worst method of waste
management are disposal to landfill and thermal treatment.
Disposal to landfill adds up
to the pollution in a certain place where the landfill is located. It can also
cause some diseases from the landfill.
Thermal treatment or
incineration is a process that involves combustion of organic substances
converting the waste into ash, heat, and flue gas.
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