The Cusichaca Andina is the name of an organization, which is attempting to preserve a small, pink potato from the Andes, known as huana. It is considered one of the perfect crops for uncertain times, as it resists extreme rain, frost, and drought. It can be stored for two to three years.
The organization is also trying to revive the irrigation facility, which Incas utilized in the Andean region, and researching other conventional crops, like amaranth, quinoa, squashes, and potatoes.
Based on the salient features and the laboratories of this patient, this is a case of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is type of chronic inflammatory bowel disease or IBD along with ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease usually presents with diarrhea, abdominal pain, and significant weight loss. Pathologically, it is characterized by "skip-lesions" or discontinuous granulomatous that occurs on all layers of the bowel (transmural); with the involvement of the whole gastrointestinal tract. Patients with Crohn's disease have a significant risk in developing colorectal cancer.
Approximately 40% of the energy stored in sugar molecules is converted into energy and the remaining 60% is wasted as heat energy.
Cellular respiration is the process which take place inside a living organism by which organic compounds, usually carbohydrates, are broken down releasing energy that is used to produce ATP molecules that supplies energy/power to cells.
<h3>Example of respiration</h3>
C6H12O6 + 6O2 —– enzymes & coenzymes ——> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Release of Energy (≤38 ATP) + Heat
So, 40% of the available energy of glucose is release as ATP and the remaining 60% is lost as heat and helps to generate your relatively high body temperature.
Aluminium, an adjuvant.
MF59 (squalene oil), an adjuvant.
Thiomersal, also called Thimerosal.