Because they no longer have their source of fuel: warm moist air above the sea.
The ultimate souce of energy for the food chain is solar energy from the sun. It allows plants to convert the solar energy to chemical energy for growth. The growing plants in turn allow heterotropic animals to consume them to obtain energy of their own.
tiger moths have dark wings with red orange spots and white stripes meanwhile a typical moth has a dark, almost black body and have many dark spots with grayish-white wings
Depending on what trait the alleles carry, the brothers will have a different phenotype and a different genotype.
For example; Eye color. My sister is heterozygous, meaning she has brown eyes. I am homozygous recessive, meaning I have blue(green/hazel) eyes. We both have the same parents, I just happened to inherit both of the recessive eye color alleles from my parents whereas, my sister inherited both the dominant and recessive alleles.
So, since the brothers inherited different sets of alleles, their genotype for a certain trait will be different.
When your body temp gets too low you begin to shiver. Brining your body temp to a comfortable level will cause it to stop shivering.