The west Nile Virus is pathogen which caused the West Nile fever and encephalitis. The pathogen was introduced in 1999 in the Western Hemisphere and infected a major population in new york. It then expanded to 12 states and district of columbia. The major carrier of the pathogen was Avian and Mosquitoes species. In between 1999 to 2008, nearly 2500000 people were infected and nearly 1500 people died. Also there were thousands of cases of encephalitis or meningitis.
a property should build a Mcdonalds because not only does it taste good he'll make more money from it. usally people look for protien in food well a tuna roll only has 24 grams of protein unlike our big mac and double cheeseburger have 25 grams of protein and taste better. not only this but our medium fry has more carbohydrates, we have 43 grams of carbohydrates and sushi has none !!! . yes there might be more calories but when ur looking for something close and near that also taste good you should go to mcdonalds
Both muscular and skeletal system work together to make the organisms move from one place to another.
Skeletal system consist of bones which provides shape and supports to the body. It also provides protection to the delicate organs such as brain, lungs and heart etc. Bones are attached with one another with the help of muscles. All the vital organs are also made from muscles. These muscles helps the body to move, run, exercise and other movements and helps in the performance of your body.
The rate of photosynthesis increases the intensity of light or concentration of CO2 increases, however, at a certain temperature, the rate can decrease due to enzyme denaturation.
Photosynthesis is a unique metabolic process specific to only some organisms. The photosynthetic process, however, cannot occur without some vital ingredients including light, Carbon dioxide (CO2) and optimum temperature.
An increase in the concentration of light (from sun) and CO2 (from atmosphere) increases the rate at which photosynthesis occurs i.e. more light, CO2 results in more photosynthetic process. However, an increase in TEMPERATURE also increases the photosynthetic rate but at a particular temperature, the enzymes that bring about the photosynthetic process can be denatured or damaged, hence, at an EXCESSIVE TEMPERATURE, photosynthesis can be inhibited.
Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that exists in two natural forms: phytonadione (K1: fye toe" na dye' one) which is derived from plant sources and menadione (K2: men" a dye’ one) which is derived from bacterial sources. Vitamin K is a cofactor in the photosynthetic electron-transport system in green plants, which are the major dietary source of vitamin K for humans. High levels of vitamin K1 are found in leafy green vegetables while vitamin K2 is found in meat, milk and butter. In humans, vitamin K is an essential cofactor in the gamma-carboxylation of glutamate residues of several clotting factors and anticoagulant proteins. Hope this helps!