I would choose option A because it counters Cameron's claim, and then gives a reasonable explanation behind the counterclaim.
Reading up on the topics and finding the most interesting, shocking things about this topic.
Speaking to other people and find out why it motivates them.
Making yourself vulnerable as a writer is a key to being a successful writer. Dare to expose why you are personally invested in a topic and how it has affected you. Share your story – nobody else can tell it. Be flexible about sharing some details. You do not have to tell your life story in order to get people to listen – just share some information that is interesting and revolves around a certain topic.
For example, if you were writing about ice cream, make it personalized. Writing like a robot can make even ice cream sound unappetizing. Nobody really wants to read an article that begins with, “Ice cream tastes great. Many people like it.” Try something more personal: “The first time I took a delicious, creamy morsel of frozen, chocolately ice cream into my mouth, I smiled, and proceeded to eat the whole bowl.”
Hope this helps. :)
He wanted to convey that indifference is worse than hate or anger. One could be angry at injustice or hate evil, violent acts Indifference is the absence of compassion and implies something worse than outright hate; indifference implies a lack of acknowledgment. Being indifferent to another's suffering is like saying, 'you're suffering is not even worth my consideration.' Wiesel speaks from his experience of the Holocaust, but this could be applied to any situation in history in which the world was indifferent; in which the world willfully refused to acknowledge suffering of others for any number of unjustifiable reasons: 1) out of sight, out of mind, 2) passivity, laziness, 3) an untried feeling of hopelessness ('what could i possibly do?'), 4) selfishness. When Wiesel speaks of indifference he also means ignorance in 3 senses: 1) ignorant as in lacking sensitivity, 2) lacking knowledge and 3) ignoring. The 'perils of indifference' could be described as the 'the terrible outcomes of ignoring atrocities. Apply this to anything today, where suffering is ignored by indifferent people and governments. (i.e., Darfur, Haiti). The peril of indifference would be to allow (allow by ignoring = indifference) an atrocity like the Holocaust to occur again.
The correct answer is B. There are the sneakers with the green laces!
Please rate 5 stars if I helped :)