Hey there!
I believe that David's prediction would be: If the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere reached an amount unhealthy for the salamanders, then the salamander population would decrease.
Let me know if this helps :)
Usually, a microfilariae blood test is conducted at night to coincide with the appearance of microfilariae.
It would affect our environment very badly. The following reasons are why it is bad: 1)Trees are our main supply of oxygen. 2) Corn is slow at converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. 3) Many wildlife creatures (plants and animals) need that ecosystem to live.
The Nervous System and The Endocrine System.
They are used as an indicator organism for pathogenic bacteria.
Coliforms are bacteria found in digestive tract of animals and humans. They are non-pathogenic, easy to culture and are used as an alternative indirect testing for presence of other microorganisms. Coliforms thrive in exact environmental conditions like other pathogenic bacteria, thus often used to indicate whether they are bacteria found in drinking water and swimming pools that might end up causing infections.
Therefore the existence of coliforms in water easily indicates feacal contamination.