C. Each were from nearby states, but later moved to Oklahoma.
Fuente: Marchionne di Coppo di Stefano Buonaiuti nació en Florencia en 1336 y vivió allí la mayor parte de su vida. Escribió la Crónica florentina a finales de la década de 1370 y principios de la de 1380.
Source: Marchionne di Coppo di Stefano Buonaiuti was born in Florence in 1336 and lived there most his life. He wrote the Florentine Chronicle in the late 1370s and early 1380s.
hope this help you
The Compromise solved the issue of representing enslaved people in Congress. 90 years of British rule in India, Muslim split from Hindu India: violence, migrations result. used nonviolent resistance to achieve peaceful goals.
The Louisiana Purchase was negotiated by Robert Livingston for Jefferson.
I hope this helps!!
The soldiers were African American