The method in C++ is as follows:
double calcPyramidVolume(double baseLength, double baseWidth, double pyramidHeight){
double baseArea = calcBaseArea(baseLength, baseWidth);
double volume = baseArea * pyramidHeight;
return volume;
This defines the calcPyramidVolume method
double calcPyramidVolume(double baseLength, double baseWidth, double pyramidHeight){
This calls the calcBaseArea method to calculate the base area of the pyramid
double baseArea = calcBaseArea(baseLength, baseWidth);
This calculates the volume
double volume = baseArea * pyramidHeight;
This returns the volume
return volume;
<em>See attachment for complete program that include all methods that is required for the program to function.</em>
computer architecture is a set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems. The architecture of a system refers to its structure in terms of separately specified components of that system and their interrelationships.
Depends really. Have you got prior coding experience? The semantics of certain languages are much easier to pick up if you've had prior experience, but it might seem impossible to someone who has minimal experience.
Assuming that you're no older than 15 or 16, I'm going to suggest Python. It's a simple, high-level language that's easier to understand than most languages. If you think you've got enough experience to quickly understand and pick up things, then I'd probably say R is a good language to start with. It's very well-suited for AI and tends to be a favourite for AI researchers.