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tough battler, friendly helper, objective thinker
Edgar Schein identified three common behavior profiles that may hinder group operations when people try to cope with individual entry problems in self-serving ways. These three profiles are <u>tough battler, friendly helper, objective thinker</u>. Edgar Schein in his organizational structure model asserts that there are three profiles that may hinder group operation and these are;
Tough battlers: these are individuals who want things done fast and they do not care how, they are assertive, motivated and driven. They act aggressively and seek authority.
Friendly helper: These individuals are a bit insecure, tends to offer help and show care to others, they are emotional
Objective thinkers: these individuals are concerned about following the process, doing things they way they should be done, they act reflective and want clear goals.
From what I've researched, it's C) 4, 2, 3, then 1
Judicial review is important because it allows laws that are inconsistent with the constitution (that violate the rights and liberties protected by the constitution) to be revised or expunged without a full act of the legislature