The government of Sudan has been associated with sponsoring Janjaweed, an Arab militia that has been spreading terror especially in the Darfur region.
The Janjaweed has its origins in the long-running civil war that gripped one of Sudan's neighbors, Chad in 1980. The Sudanese government gave arms and ammunition to Arab - speaking Abbala nomads and enlisted them to act as an armed deterrent against Chadian incursions into Sudan during that time. This group together with another tribe from Chad's border later joined to form the basis of the Janjaweed
Theory by Darwin.
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller remembered as the rich men who owned larger companies. Both supported the theory of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is a theory related to the survival of the fittest in society. The theory given by Charles Darwin, which points to evolution. Wealth is in the hands of a few people due to economic struggle. Money ends up remaining in the hands of those who grow their wealth by using their skill and strength.