Este Premio Nobel significa un portaestandarte para proseguir con la denuncia de la vioiación de los Derechos Humanos, que se co
meten contra los pueblos en Guatemala, en América y en el mundo, y para desempeñar un papel positivo en la tarea que más urge en mi país, que es el logro de la paz con justicia social. Sin duda alguna, constituye una señal de esperanza para las luchas de los pueblos indígenas en todo el Continente. También es un homenaje para los pueblos centroamericanos que aún buscan su estabilidad, la conformación de su futuro y el sendero de su desarrollo e integración sobre la base de la democracia civil y el respeto mutuo. -speech Which sentence would be a part of the same speech in English? A In this moment, by a pure stroke of undeserved luck, I am the direct voice of the poets from my race and the indirect voice of the noble Spanish and Portuguese languages.
B On top of all this, it is also an instrument in the fight for peace, for justice, for the rights of those who suffer economic, social, cultural, and political inequalities.
C Our rash worship of progress and advances in our fight to dominate nature have converted into a career sui cide for me.
D At the close of this century we have discovered that we are part of an immense system that goes from plants and animals to cells, molecules, atoms, and the stars in the sky.
This Nobel Prize means a standard bearer to continue with the denouncement of the violation of Human Rights, which are committed against the peoples in Guatemala, in America and in the world, and to play a positive role in the task that most urges in my country , which is the achievement of peace with social justice. Without a doubt, it constitutes a sign of hope for the struggles of indigenous peoples throughout the Continent. It is also a tribute to the Central American peoples who still seek their stability, the shaping of their future and the path of their development and integration on the basis of civil democracy and mutual respect. -speech Which sentence would be a part of the same speech in English?