Much has been written about Don Quixote from a psychological and psychiatric point of view. Different schools over the years have diagnosed various conditions from paranoia, persistent delusional disorder, and folie à deux to a “healthy reaction to a mad world.”
Mucho se ha escrito sobre Don Quijote desde un punto de vista psicológico y psiquiátrico. A lo largo de los años, diferentes escuelas han diagnosticado diversas afecciones, desde paranoia, trastorno delirante persistente y folie à deux, hasta una "reacción saludable a un mundo loco".
4th dot
2nd dot
3rd dot
1st dot
5th dot
I may be wrong with the last two because it can be either one of those two...
1) cierto
2) cierto
3) falso
4) cierto
5) Falso
6) Cierto
i'm fluent and i've done this before in 6th grade
though there isnt any bolded words in you question i assume you mean “mi amigo juan y yo” in english thats my friend juan and I, which could be replaced by we. We in spanish is nosotros.
it mean backpack in english