it an exaggeration, she didn’t actually take two second to finish the test she was just faster than everyone else.
This is a personal question. I will answer below according to the word that was unfamiliar to me, but feel free to add to the answer in case there were more for you.
Answer and Explanation:
The word that I found unfamiliar and whose meaning I did not know at first was "behest". I had never seen that word before. To understand its meaning, I looked for context clues. <u>The rest of the sentence in which "behest" appears functions as a clue to finding its meaning. It says that, at a person's behest, something happened: "the Exhibition dropped its superfluous rags and stripped itself. . ." As soon as I read this part, it made me think of the word "command." For instance, the sentence "At the general's command, the troops advanced" has a similar connotation to the one with "behest".</u>
To confirm my assumptions, I looked the word up online and found it indeed means "order" or "command".
1. A primary source of Michael's internal struggle is his sadness over his parents' deaths. He is upset and resentful of his aunt for failing to protect them, and he is also dealing with the grief of having to say goodbye to his beloved family members. The text supports this assertion by stating "I hate her for not being able to save them. I hate her for not being able to do anything." Because Michael is blaming his aunt for the loss of his parents, it is clear that he is dealing with loss.
2. Michael and his aunt will never be friends, in my opinion. Michael's aunt will continue to try to assert authority over him because of the death of his parents. When Michael adds, "She's always telling me what to do, and she's always trying to control me." the text supports this statement. Michael and his aunt are clearly at odds, and it doesn't look like they'll be able to work things out any time soon.
Don't forget to change some of my words to avoid plagiarism.
A soliloquy is a monologue addressed to oneself, thoughts spoken out loud without addressing another. Soliloquies are used as a device in drama to let a character make their thoughts known to the audience, address it directly or take it into their confidenc
Struggles of being black in America are trying to survive while being black . Which mainly means trying to stay alive in a white mans world .