D. In an encyclopedia under the word “dictionary”
The answer is D: the cleaning woman.
In this story by the great writer, Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa is turned into a horrible bug. This brings a lot of hardships, both for Gregor and his family.
After Gregor dies, it is the cleaning woman who gets rid of the body, in the most characteristic of Kafka´s finales, turning his main character into a nuisance that needs to be rid of in the most possible impersonal way (Samsa was not even considered a man by the end of the story).
I don't know why it didn't occur to us earlier. ... The circulation and readership of POPULAR SCIENCE grew sharply after the ... And what a job it turned out to be! ... If so, write and tell me about anything you feel should have been included, and why. Two more things: First, I'd be pleased to know your reactions to the idea.
The sergeant asked the Bishop if any of his silver was missing.
Indirect speech is a way of relaying information without directly quoting the speaker. Usually it is done as a reported speech.
Therefore, the direct speech "my lord, is any of your silver missing? " the sergeant said to the Bishop becomes "The sergeant asked the Bishop if any of his silver was missing."