Check the explanation
The two processes and procedures used in estimating the age of the earth took a lot of creativity and broad imagination. When Kelvin calculated the loss of heat by the Earth and arrived at an estimated figure of 24 million years, geologist had measured the accumulation of sediment and later concluded that the earth should be around 100 million years old. Both of these techniques took a lot of imagination and creativity, thinking outside the box is a key attribute when working with science.
Divided government.
A divided government is a kind of administration in presidential systems when the power of the executive branch and the legislative branch is divided into two parties. Moreover, in semi-presidential arrangements, when the executive branch itself is divided between two parties.
Under the division of powers model, the state is separated into various branches. Each department is independent having separate powers and divisions of responsibility so that the authorities of one branch should not in dispute with the powers correlated with the other department.
Many children in united states are told by their peers that they need to display rebellious behavior in order to be respected by other peers.
Tupac singlehandedly broke those rules by excluding so much charisma and dignity in doing proper behavior and following laws while manage to NOT letting other people taking advantage of him
<span>1) RNA. This is the exact description of the RNA. A RNA is a protein derivated from the DNA, which contain a piece of information, like a protein, that need to be built. The Rna take the message to the cytoplasm, where the the protein is built. RNA is equal to DNA, with the difference that the the base U is complementary of the base A, where in the DNA, the complentary base for A is T.
2) Neither dna or rna. An enzim is a protein that act as a cathalist for many reaction. The role of dna and rna is to keep safe the genetic information and make it available on request to produce proteins and enzims, but per se they are not enzim as they do not act like catalist.</span>