The answer to this question is a hypothesis. Hypothesis is
the theory or explanation of a specific problem or study. There are types of
hypothesis this are null, empirical, complex, and logical hypothesis. Hypothesis
can be concluded by studying and doing an experiment of a certain phenomenon.
China is an autocratic government today.
Japan is a democratic goverenment today.
Mongolia is a democratic govenment today.
Taiwan is a democratic goverenment today.
China functions as a socialist republic governed by a single party, communist, led by a general secretary.
Japan is a monarchy by the constitution, with the emperor in its entirety, or the emperor having ceremonial duties only.
Mongolia is Republic with a multiparty system. The President and the Government have the highest power.
Taiwan's political status is uncertain because China does not recognize it and it claims to be its territory.
The answer is: cloth for sheets and other supplies. Reasoning: because of where it says “In particular, the textile mills made most of the fabric used by the armed service, from sheets and blankets to parachutes and tire cords.”
Answer:Atoms of different elements are similar. Because they all are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Only difference is There numbers are different.
The constitution protects the rights of citizens from unlawful imprisonment. By suspending habeas corpus, Lincoln would be limiting the rights of American citizens and extending his own power as president. He also likely considered that no president before him had suspended habeas corpus.
it is what it is