The Maji Maji War happened between 1905 and 1907.
- The Maji Maji War was a series of successful and unsuccessful rebellions by the local Tanzanians against the tyrannical rule of the Germans.
- Though the war had culminated in the Germans winning it, they were left with substantial damage after facing four years of consecutive rebellions from the Tanzanian people.
- The groups that rebelled against the Germans were those of Islamic and Animist Africans.
To answer your question, we need the headline.
Buddhism came to be when Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha, was enlightened. Buddhism teaches many things but there are key concepts that the Buddhists follow.
1. The Four Noble Truths:
• Life is suffering.
• The cause of suffering is aversion and craving.
• Suffering can be overcome. Happiness can be attained.
• The Noble 8-fold Path is the way to end suffering.
2. Living morally is the way to spiritual transformation.
• Be tolerant of others.
• Focus on the mind: Awareness to thoughts and actions must be developed. Wisdom must be gained.
• Compassion for others must be cultivated.
Answer: d. directive called “do no harm.”
Under this directive, anthropologists have a primary ethical obligation to think about the possible ways their research might cause harm to the community being researched and to act against it.
Anthropologists should avoid causing direct and immediate harm and also weigh the potential benefits of their work against this.
This is why the practice of sharing ethnographic information on particular communities with nonanthropological institutions such as the military has been questioned under this directive as it could lead to harm to the community.
In case of any violation of a Fundamental Right, the aggrieved person can go to a court for remedy. But now, any person can go to court against the violation of a Fundamental Right, if it is of social or public interest. This is called Public Interest Litigation (PIL). Under the PIL, any citizen or group of citizens can approach the Supreme Court or the High Court for the protection of public interest against a particular law or action of the government.