Yes and no it can so live some conflicts but it could also lead in rivalries that could last lifetimes
I would say A. The National Park Service
Answer:General Jorge Rafael Videla was the dictator who brought terror to his country in the second half of the 1970s, plunging it into a “dirty war” against subversion. At least 9,000 people were killed by armed forces under his direct command as president of the military junta which had seized power in March 1976. Videla always argued that he had merely been doing his duty. He claimed not only to have saved Argentina from political chaos, but to have defended “Western Christian civilisation” in its fight against communism. He remained unrepentant to his dying day, declaring in 1998 that “ I reject the accusations made against me and on the contrary call on behalf of the Argentine nation and its armed forces in particular, for the honour due to victory.”
Détente is a word of French origin that means to ease hostilities with an adversary.
When Nixon took office in 1969, he promoted a détente policy with the Soviet Union and China, advised by his secretary of the state: Henry Kissinger.
Nixon visited China in 1972, and met personally with Mao Zedong. This event was the start of a new relation between the U.S. and China.
He also met with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in 1972, and reached important agreements like the Anti-Ballistic missile treaty.
Most historians coincide that this policy of détente was successful, and helped Nixon become reelected.
The 19th amendment
The 19th amendment is, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."