Billy Ray is 40 years old and lives alone with his mother. He has never been married but has a good job as an engineer. His life
seemed to be going well – until one day a month ago his boss chewed him out for not doing something right. During the last month, Billy Ray has been worried and depressed because he has started to forget things. He told his mother, who told Ethel who lives next door, and now everybody knows. Here are examples of what has been happening to him: he was supposed to turn in plans for a new project but forgot they were due. He had always remembered his mother’s birthday, but it was a week ago and he completely forgot about it, hurting her, even though she pretended not to be upset. A month ago, a few days after the incident on the job, he met a woman he really liked and set up a date with her for later in the week. But he had forgotten that he was going to be out of town then, so he had to cancel the date. As a psychologist it is now your task to use the six different approaches to analyze Billy Ray’s situation and explain why he is now acting the way that he is.
Your doctor may recommend blood sugar testing four to 10 times a day if you have type 1 diabetes. You may need to test: Before meals and snacks. Before and after exercise.